If you find content on Create Your Moment which you consider to be spam, harassment, or which violates Create Your Moment Rules, please report it to us in product or email us with details.
Reported posts and users will be reviewed by our Trust & Safety team for Rules violations and appropriate actions taken.
Note: To report stories, lists, and users, you need to be signed in to your Create Your Moment account.
Report a story or draft:
– Go to the story you want to report.
– Copy the url of the story.
– Paste into the Report a Violation Form.
– Explain why you feel it is against Create Your Moment Rules and why it is a violation.
Report a user:
– Go to the profile page of the user you want to report.
– Copy the url of the profile.
– Paste into the Report a Violation Form.
– Explain why you feel the user is going against Create Your Moment Rules.